Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 18 - Los Angeles to Santa Barbara

I find it amazing how a day that doesn't seem to be so busy can completely wipe me out. It's 7:30 and I'm totally ready to go to sleep.

First stop this morning was the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Another very well done Presidential Library. It was pretty crowded, probably because it was Sunday and Memorial Day weekend. The major highlight was a walk through of Air Force One.

This one was decommissioned September 8, 2001, disassembled, and moved to its current location. Whereas I wasn't alive for any of Nixon's presidency, and I barely remember his funeral, I grew up with Reagan as President and I very much remember his announcement of Alzheimer's and his death and funeral. I do find it amazing how long he lived after his initial diagnosis and announcement.

After I finished up at the museum, I hit up a couple of local farms and stocked up on lots of fruit and then drove up the Pacific Coast Highway and stopped at 2 wineries along the way. I'm staying the night in Santa Barbara tonight and proceeding further up the coast for the next couple of days.

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