Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 4 - Denver

Good day today. A good variety of visiting with Michelle & doing touristy things.

This morning, Michelle, her boyfriend, and I went to a place called "The Egg and I" for breakfast. We knew it was Mothers Day, but, for some reason, it did not occur to us that the restaurant would be crowded. Oops. Well, it wasn't too long of a wait at least. The food was really good.

After breakfast, I went off to downtown, picked up a map for the volksmarch that I'm doing tomorrow, and then went to the Molly Brown Museum House. Today was my only chance to see it, since it's closed on Mondays. My mother tells me that I went there as a kid, but I have no memory of it, and they've redone a lot of it, so even if I did remember it, it would have still been a new experience for me. It opened at noon today, so I got my ticket for that first tour. We started the tour, and it was really interesting. The house has gone through a few different owners since Molly Brown died around 1932, and many of her belongings were scattered, so the historical preservation society here has had to do a lot of work to recreate how the house looked around 1910. We weren't allowed to take any pictures inside, so I don't have any of those, but here's a picture from the front:

Well, anyway, we were about 2/3 of the way through the tour when the file alarm went off. Apparently, they were doing a Mothers Day tea up on the 3rd floor and someone had set a plastic bag on the stove. So we had to all evacuate and the fire department showed up to deal with the situation:

Good times. So we were all given the choice of a refund or a ticket for a later tour. I chose the latter. Because of timing, I chose to get a 2:00 ticket. So to kill the time in between, I went over to Sweet Action Ice Cream, which opened at 1:00. I don't know how the place ended up on my list, but I'm glad it did. It was quite good. And I'm glad that I went right when it opened because when I drove by a couple hours later, the line was out the door.

After Sweet Action, I went back to the Molly Brown house and got the full tour this time. Molly Brown was a very interesting woman. She was involved in so many causes and is so much more than just the loud woman from Titanic.

After the tour (the whole tour this time - no interrupting fire alarms), Michelle and I met back up and we headed out for the evening. We first went to karaoke. I couldn't decide what to sing, but saw they had a couple Carbon Leaf songs (my favorite band), so I had to do one. And I knew that it would likely be completely out of my range, but I did it anyway and totally butchered "What About Everything?". From there, we headed over to the Denver Performing Arts Center to see Sense & Sensibility, the Musical.

Sense & Sensibility, the Musical was something I had really been looking forward to. It is a new show that's premiering here. I had high hopes for it. Now, when I see shows, I see many things that most people don't. I get distracted really easily by all sorts of stuff, from "where is that special light coming from" to "Her hem doesn't match everyone else's" to "This song is derivative of Les Mis." Seriously. I know it can be annoying to people around me - hell, it's annoying to me. But I can't do anything about it. So what did I think of this show? Well, I have a list of things that I could nit-pick: one girl's accent didn't match everyone else's, which I didn't understand, and she kept going in and out of the accent; there were a couple light cues which I totally didn't understand; a couple of the transitions seemed awkward for some of the actors; and a couple songs were superfluous and should have been cut. The first act was very old school: scene, song, scene, song, scene, song. It got a little repetitive. But the second act - wow. It was amazing. Save for one scene that I didn't care for at all, the second act was phenomenal - so honest and so beautify. Overall, the show was really well done. Really interesting scene transitions, a great use of the space, good movement on stage, beautiful lighting, near flawless sound execution, generally great casting. I highly recommend it if you get the chance to see it.

I guess that's pretty much it for today. Tomorrow, Hammond's Candies Factory Tour and Capitol Volksmarch.

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